We present unique solutions to the complex needs of our clients, which has necessitated high levels of expertise in the following areas of financial planning:

Local And Offshore Investments

While our South African financial market is mature and sophisticated, we cannot escape the fact that it only comprises around half a percent of the global financial market place. For this reason it is important to ensure that our clients’ portfolios are well diversified into offshore as well as local funds where appropriate. We have developed solutions that satisfy our clients’ investment needs be they local or offshore, conservative or aggressive, capital growth or capital preservation. Each solution has been carefully crafted to ensure that clients’ funds are managed in a manner that is cost effective, simple to understand and efficiently administered.

Retirement Planning

Years ago, planning for retirement meant converting everything to cash just before retirement to preserve the capital for the few years clients could reasonably expect to survive after retirement, usually only a decade or so. Recent medical advancements as well as healthier lifestyle choices have served to increase live expectancy dramatically. It is not unusual to see people living full and healthy lives until their late eighties or nineties these days. With this gift of longer life comes the need for clients to provide for themselves and their families for an extended period after retirement, making tax- and cost-efficient retirement planning an imperative. Our experienced JBL advisors walk our clients through the various stages of planning, whether just starting out, in the accumulation phase or about to retire. Our aim is to guide clients through the years to a comfortable and anxiety-free retirement.

Preservation Of Retirement Benefits

One way of ensuring that our clients’ retirement goals become a reality is to preserve retirement benefits whenever the opportunity arises, for instance when changing employers or starting a business. Preserving these benefits ensures that by maintaining the “retirement fund” nature of the investment, clients benefit from no taxation within the investment in all the years leading up to retirement. Our advisors will guide clients to the correct offering thereby ensuring that they remain on track towards their financial goals. The non-preservation of pension and provident funds when opportunity arises is probably one of the biggest mistakes an investor can make on the road to retirement. Let us help you to safely preserve that which you have spent so many years building up.

Post Retirement Investment Planning

Upon retirement many clients’ investment objectives may change from capital growth to income generation. JBL’s advisors will help navigate the myriad of different options open to clients, always ensuring that their specific requirements are met. Once in retirement, clients will still need to generate inflation beating returns to ensure the longevity of their capital where possible. Decisions will need to be made regarding monthly income requirements to cover lifestyle expenses, and guidance will be given regarding the amounts that can be drawn and the effect of tax on these drawings. Sometimes guidance on the need to cut down on expenses may be just as important as investment advice.

Insurance (Life & Disability)

In many ways insurance could be considered the cornerstone of financial planning. While everyone’s needs are different, most individuals will need cover of some sort during their lifetime. Our highly skilled financial planners will help clients understand what cover they need, be it life insurance, disability, income protection, key man, buy and sell or any of the many options available.

Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts)v

Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts)

Effective estate planning ensures not only that your heirs inherit your assets, but also that:

  • Your estate is structured to limit duties and taxes where possible
  • There is enough liquidity in your estate to cover all duties, taxes and liabilities
  • Minor children’s inheritance may be protected by means of a trust
  • Business owners may protect their assets during their lifetime
  • Thought is given to unforeseen circumstances that may arise upon death.


We have partnered with a number of stock brokers in both blue chip and smaller firms which enables our clients to hold direct share portfolios. This empowers us to assist clients by managing investments holistically in any form – unit trusts as well as direct share portfolios. It is important that we are able to make asset allocation recommendations based on clients’ individual risk profiles and objectives. Local and offshore share portfolios can remain in tact and thus form part of our clients’ overall investment strategy.